
 请浏览 评估过程选项卡 for Assessment Plan templates, an Assessment Form, and additional information.


A UAC subcommittee is finalizing guidance for externally accredited programs to determine whether the programs may be exempt from most reporting. UAC will work with externally accredited programs to understand how the accrediting body approaches assessment of student learning through a lens of continuous improvement to determine how closely the accreditation standards match UAC guidelines. Some co-curricular and service programs may also be eligible for exemption from most reporting. UAC contacted programs with external accreditation in early February with a link to a Qualtrics Survey to collect information about accreditation requirements for programs. UAC将在5月之前跟进有关替代报告的计划. If an externally accredited program has not received a link to the survey, please contact UAC at (电子邮件保护).


学术和课外/支持项目将制定新的评估计划. 计划将于2024年9月1日到期.


  • Define student learning or student-centered outcomes (SLOs and SCOs) for each program. Programs need 2+ SLOs/SCOs per program and one additional SLO per emphasis or certificate.
  • Map each outcome to courses or activities where the outcome is introduced, reinforced, or mastered.
  • 制定一个学期或年度计划来评估每个结果. Best practice assesses SLOs and SCOs early and later to demonstrate student growth and identify areas for improvement.

数据可以在介绍中收集, 中间, and advanced courses (academic programs) or towards the beginning and end of programming meant to support students (SCOs).

Measures, benchmarks or targets, and assessment tools will be part of the assessment report. Programs should discuss these items as they devise their plans to ensure that SLOs and SCOs are measurable and that the tools needed are available and useful.

A video explaining the revised process and a video showing an abbreviated example of an assessment plan for an academic and for a service unit are provided below:

               新的评估过程,PDCA -概述     幻灯片- PDCA介绍

               新评估计划和报告的简短例子     幻灯片-计划,报告的例子

计划将上传到gvevaluate. Please note that GVAssess is currently undergoing significant revision and is not able to accept assessment plans at this time. 当GVAssess准备好接受评估计划时,UAC将通知校园, 希望到2024年1月. 现在,请将您的计划写成word兼容的文档.

Single Outcome examples of an Assessment Plan from an Academic Unit and from a Service Unit are located on the 资源和支持选项卡,链接在这里

Please direct questions to Julie Henderleiter, 大学评估 委员会 chair, at (电子邮件保护).

一种新的评估、计划和报告模式——PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)



  • 程序审查: Program review is accomplished through a combination of internal self study with resource analysis, 学生成绩评估, 认可报告(如适用), 以及外部项目审查. 
  • 课程评价: 每门GVSU课程的评估都是由一个共同的 记录大纲 (SOR, available on Bb) that defines a core set of learning objectives that will be taught and assessment methods that will be employed regardless of which section, semester, year, 或者老师教这门课. 
  • 学生成绩评估: 
    • Student learning outcomes (SLOs) describe fundamental competencies students should know or be able to demonstrate upon completion of an academic programs (major, emphasis, 证书项目, etc.). 
    • Student centered outcomes (SCOs) describe the results or products of co-curricular programming.
    • 搜索学生成绩 并按程序查看最近的报告
  • 通识教育评估: The General Education (GE) Program teaches the skills and knowledge needed to intelligently participate in public discourse, 哪些是通过 通用电气项目的学生学习成果.
  • 补充写作能力评估: 补充写作技巧(SWS)项目鼓励批判性思维, 价值观探索, and self-discovery in courses across the curriculum while emphasizing emphasize the importance of "writing as process" and "writing to learn.更多信息可从 SWS计划目标网站.
  • 自学与策略规划: Strategic planning establishes measurable objectives and metrics used to evaluate progress toward achieving strategic plan outcomes. Self study occurs in the year preceding strategic planning and informs planning for the next six-year cycle.
  • 外部认可评估: 60+外部认可的本科生, graduate, and co-curricular programs at GVSU carry out a wide array of assessment activities in preparation for external review against applicable standards. Externally accredited units also participate in university 评估过程es. See the UAC政策页面 有关详细信息,.





  • :每年 Units post regular (at least annual) reporting with updated assessment results for student outcomes (GVAssess) and strategic planning outcomes (GVPlan)
  • 两年的循环: The 大学评核委员会 reviews the assessment of student learning and student-centered outcomes on a two-year rotation, providing written feedback to approximately 1/4 of academic and co-curricular programs every semester.
  • 四年周期: The General Education 委员会 (GEC) manages a process that ensures the General Education skill and knowledge outcomes of each General Education course are assessed every four years, providing annual summaries and a comprehensive report to the campus community at the conclusion of each cycle.
  • 六年的循环: All units engage in self-study following the university-wide strategic planning cycle.

See the 评估过程 详情请参阅网页.


The UAC is the standing committee of the University Academic Senate that supports and promotes program- and unit-level assessment at GVSU. The 委员会会议 in full session every other week during the academic year (Mondays, 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.).

UAC最近制定并采用了新的报告 processes in conjunction with the development of GVSU's in-house assessment tracking 和报告 systems, GVPlan和gvevaluate. 有关其他信息,请查看 博天堂官方网页UAC 网站页面.


UAC成员审查和提供反馈的平均时间为 71份评估报告 每学期.


The committee is developing resources for faculty and staff involved in assessment planning, 实现, 和报告. Visit our 资源及支援 网页查询详情.

如需更多支持,请 联系UAC主席.




2018年1月,GVSU的全校评估会议是 博天堂官方如何评估学生学习的更大的讨论 高效和有效.



新的学生成果搜索可以很容易地查看 GVSU项目的成果. 最新报道的快照来自 同时显示gvevaluate评估数据库.



NILOA发布第三次全国评估实践调查结果 in U.S. 高等教育



gvevaluate和GVPlan数据库的新前端发布于 Sept. 10, 2018. 更新将几个系统合并为一个统一的系统 接口名为GVAdvance. (intranet.farmersandbuilders.net/gvadvance)

